If you have factories in Spain, why don’t you say so?

More and more clients who trust us to design their labels ask us to highlight the fact that they design and/or manufacture in Spain. It is a growing trend, they are aware that the consumer is becoming more and more demanding and associates production in the European Union with the maintenance of a sustainable economy in all aspects: maintenance of jobs, growth of economic activity and more and more to quality, fashion and design.

It is obvious that the consumer is more and more interested in social welfare and is concerned about the planet, the «Made In Spain/EU» or «Made in Spain/EU» is a sign of identity that provides an added plus identified with ISO quality controls, OEKO-TEX certificates, made in Green, and/or Save os children,…

At Adenea we advise all our clients to invest in their brand and to reflect this concept in the labels and accessories that accompany it: manual metal or plastic seals that our design team will develop to create a coherent image in accordance with the requirements that you send us. To emphasise that the product is made in Spain, we propose to reflect this on the personalised labels: hang tags, woven labels, and a good option are plastic seals which, as well as being an element of differentiation, are security seals because once closed, if it is opened it cannot be closed again, ensuring that the labels cannot fall off or be changed in the shops. Although if you prefer to carry out this operation with an automatic system, you can do it with our Fasbanok 101 labelling gun, which easily and quickly places security seals made of thread or plastic (serrets).

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